Easynews Abuse Policy
Easynews maintains a strict policy regarding abuse and misuse of its Usenet services. We respond to all legitimate complaints submitted in accordance with applicable laws and our Terms of Use. If you believe an article or group of articles violates copyright or falls outside acceptable use, follow the steps below to submit a complaint.
Types of Complaints We Accept
Easynews investigates reports related to:
Copyright infringement (DMCA or equivalent)
Violations of our Terms of Use
Improper use of the service, including spam
We do not moderate or monitor newsgroups for offensive or inappropriate material. Usenet is a global system that includes articles from many sources, and its open nature means articles may not reflect the values or opinions of Easynews or its users.
How to Submit a Copyright or Abuse Complaint
To begin a report, please email [email protected] with the following details:
Your full name and contact information
A clear description of the issue
The full article header(s), including Message-ID
Without the Message-ID, we cannot locate or remove the article in question. Please do not send screenshots, links to Indexers or search results, or references to NZBs, as they are not sufficient to process your complaint.
What to Expect After Submitting a Report
Our team will review the complaint to determine its validity. If a violation is confirmed and the article falls within our article retention window, appropriate action will be taken.
We do not respond to duplicate complaints or incomplete reports. Make sure your submission includes all required information.
Legal Requests
All legal inquiries and subpoenas should be directed to our Legal Department. Please send them to:
How do I contact Easynews Abuse?
- For general abuse issues: [email protected]
- For Child Pornography issues: [email protected]
- For copyright/DMCA issues: [email protected]
Important Notes
Easynews only has control over its own Usenet servers. We cannot act on articles propagated by other providers.
Articles are stored based on article retention periods and may expire before a report is reviewed.
The Message-ID is the only reliable identifier for locating a specific Usenet article