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Home > Announcements > I am unable to create a support ticket
I am unable to create a support ticket
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Unable to Create a Support Ticket

If selecting the Create Ticket button doesn’t produce any result, the issue is most likely caused by a pop-up blocker in your Web browser. Pop-up blockers can prevent the support form from opening properly.

How to Fix It

To resolve this issue, disable any pop-up blockers in your browser and try again.

Disable Pop-Ups in Common Browsers

Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome and go to Settings

  1. Scroll down and click Privacy and security.

  2. Select Site settings.

  3. Under Content, click Pop-ups and redirects.

  1. Change the default behavior to Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects, or add to the allowed sites list.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Firefox and go to Settings.

  1. Click Privacy & Security.

  2. Scroll down to the Permissions section.

  1. Uncheck Block pop-up windows, or click Exceptions and add

Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Edge and go to Settings.

  1. Select Cookies and site permissions.

  2. Scroll down and click Pop-ups and redirects.

  1. Change the setting to Allow, or add to the allow list.

Safari (macOS)

  1. Open Safari and go to Preferences.

  1. Click the Websites tab.

  2. Select Pop-up Windows from the sidebar.

  1. Find or add, then choose Allow from the dropdown menu next to it.


Once pop-ups are enabled for Easynews, return to the support page and try submitting your ticket again.

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