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Showing articles from billing tag

The Autobuy Tool

Easynews AutoBuy Tool Guide The AutoBuy Tool helps maintain access to Easynews by automatically purchasing additional data when your current plan runs low. This tool is especially helpful if you frequently use the Easynews Web interface or access Usenet articles at a high rate. How It Works When the AutoBuy Tool i…

Easynews Account Not Yet Reset On Rebill Date

Easynews Account Not Yet Reset on Rebill Date If your Easynews usage has not reset on your rebill date, there may be a short delay in the system reflecting your updated access. In most cases, the account automatically resets within a few hours. If your usage has not refreshed after 12 hours from your billing renewal…

Updating a Credit Card

How to Update Your Credit Card on Easynews To keep your Easynews service active, it's important to maintain accurate billing information. Follow the steps below to update your credit card. * Log in to your account at . * Go to the  Payment tab. * Enter your new credit card details , including the card number…

Easynews Reset Date Changing

Easynews Reset Date: What It Means and How It Works Your Easynews reset date is the day each month when your usage counter resets based on your selected plan. This date determines when your access refreshes, depending on your data limit and billing cycle. How Reset Dates Are Set Your reset date is automatically as…

Secure Sign-Up with Credit Card or PayPal

How to Sign Up for Easynews with a Credit Card or PayPal Easynews offers a secure sign-up process for those who want private access to Usenet. Whether choosing a credit card or PayPal, your payment information is encrypted during transmission and never stored in plain text. Sign Up Options Credit Card Sign-Up * …

Purchasing More Gigs

Purchasing More Gigs on Easynews Additional gigs are only available for purchase if your account has exceeded its usage limit for the current billing cycle and you're locked out of the Member's Area. If you've reached your gig limit, visit . You will be notified that your gig limit has been ex…

Multiple Charges from Easynews

Multiple Charges from Easynews If you see more than one charge from Easynews on your bank or credit card statement, there are a few possible explanations. Below are the most common reasons this might occur. 1. Pre-Authorization Holds Some banks place a temporary authorization hold when a payment is processed. This…

Loyalty Gigs FAQ

Easynews Loyalty Gigs FAQ The Easynews Loyalty Gigs program rewards active subscribers with additional data each month based on how long they have maintained an account. The longer the account remains active, the more bonus data is added to the user’s plan at the start of each billing cycle. What Are Loyalty Gigs? …

Updating your Easynews Account Profile

How to Update Your Easynews Account Profile Your Easynews account profile allows you to manage login credentials and communication preferences. Here is how to update key details associated with your account. Steps to Update Your Profile * Log In to the Easynews Account Control Panel Go to and log in using yo…

Reactivating a Cancelled Account

How to Reactivate a Cancelled Easynews Account If your Easynews account was previously cancelled and you'd like to resume your subscription, the reactivation process is simple and fast. Here's how to bring your account back online. Reactivating Through the Easynews Website * Visit the Easynews Login Page: Go to …

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